Electromobility EV System In Smart Grids

How might we build an appropriate and efficient EV charging infrastructure to eliminate range anxiety as it is the concern of recharging the battery is a major drawback to electric vehicles, which are widely used. We made an IOT System with the help of NodNCU and other sensors which were then coded for our proof of concept.

Our idea behind this system is to provide efficient charging of electric vehicles to people while traveling long distances. A decentralized energy system is characterized by locating of energy production facilities closer to the site of energy consumption. A decentralized energy system allows for more optimal use of renewable energy as well as combined heat and power, reduces fossil fuel use, and increases eco-efficiency.
In the technical aspect, we have used MVPs to understand the model where a load cell is placed to check the number of batteries on the basis of the weight. GPS is installed in the decentralized station to track the location of the station. IR sensor is used at the entry and exit points to keep track of the crowd in the station so that people can easily know about it through the cloud. All the sensors are connected to the cloud through gateways. Users can access the app to learn about the availability of batteries, crowds at the station, and alerts and schemes by the government .
Distributed generation: The core component of a decentralized energy system is distributed generation, also known as embedded generation, on-site generation, dispersed generation and decentralized generation. Both heat and electricity can be generated in a decentralized manner. But heat cannot be transported over long distances; thus it has been traditionally generated onsite.
Energy storage: An important limitation in the distribution of electricity has been that electrical energy cannot be stored and must be generated as needed.
Demand response: Demand-response technologies provide another tool to manage grid stability when decentralized generation is grid-connected. Conventionally, grid management has focused on supply management. But new technologies, including smart grid and smart metering, allow for real-time monitoring
Decentralized energy system
In fact, with distributed generation and storage, many consumers of electricity will also at times be producers of energy. Implementing smart grid technologies to facilitate grid management is necessary to build a truly decentralized energy system.
Infrastructure design
Distributed generation facilities may be connected to the grid or simply serve a particular site without feeding potential excess generation into the grid.
Grid-connected: Distributed electricity generation can be connected to a central grid, such as in commercial or industrial plants that have their own power production facilities but can sell excess power to the grid or to a mini- grid to serve regions located far from the central grid. As countries further develop their central grid system, mini-grids can be upgraded to form a distribution network that is connected to a larger transmission network.

And all the problems of demand-supply will be catered via digitization by sending our data to the cloud.

Overview of the issue and your approach: Range anxiety, as it is known, is the fear that an automobile won't have enough energy to travel the predetermined distance to its destination. Customers want to charge their EVs as rapidly as possible, but with the market's current charging technology, this is also not achievable also they find it hard to locate the charging stations on their route. Hence, our approach was to design a IOT System with the help of MVP's and a System design.

The stakeholders in your project: The primary stakeholder are the EV owners.