Insectlife Coruña

INSECTLIFE CORUÑA is a farm specializing in the breeding of insects that eat organic waste and plastics. By doing so, they can produce products with high added value that can be of various types:
• Biomass for the manufacture of food and animal feed.
• Organic fertilizer.
These insects can recycle various organic substrates such as manure, food, and crop residues, converting them into biomass useful for animal feed (for livestock, fish, pets). Bioconversion involves transforming organic waste that has no value, such as food scraps, crop residues, byproducts of food processing, etc., into high-value products.
Insectlife Coruña is a pioneering farm based in La Coruña, Spain, specializing in the breeding of insects that consume organic and plastic waste. By harnessing the natural capabilities of these insects, the company aims to produce high-value products across various industries. Researchers have found that mealworms, waxworms possess the ability to efficiently break down waste materials.
One of Insectlife Coruña ́s key competitive advantages lies in its strategic agreements with restaurants, industries and farms for the collection and recycling of waste. By partnering with these entities, the company ensures a steady supply of organic and plastic waste, which serves as the primary food source for the insects. This not only helps in waste management but also reduces environmental impact of these waste materials. Additionally, Insectlife Coruña is committed to the development of the countryside. By establishing its farm in La Coruña, the company contributes to the local economy and creates employment opportunities in the region. This commitment to rural development aligns with the company ́s mission to promote sustainable practices and support the local community.
Through is innovative approach to waste management and sustainable production, Insectlife Coruña aims to revolutionize the ways waste in handled and transform it into valuable resources. By leveraging the unique features of its insect breeding process and strategic partnerships, the company is well-positioned to make a significant impact in the organic and plastic waste recycling industry.
We believe that insect breeding is innovative and offers numerous advantages compared to other products in its category, such as the lower risk of disease transmission. However, the concept of consuming insects is not fully established in society yet and could be a drawback.
We will offer a range of products, from live insects to flour and pet food. The production processes for both insect flour and animal feeds are not very complex, which facilitates the initial learning curve. Additionally, these processes do not require high investments. Building an insect farm is not very costly and does not require extensive knowledge, and the machinery can be obtained at very competitive prices.
After conducting the market research and the financial plan for this project, we believe it is a viable company with significant growth potential.
It is in line with the FAO and the Spanish circular economy strategy, which reflects the need to reduce dependence on foreign markets for animal feed.

Overview of the issue and your approach: The global challenge of climate change necessitates urgent and innovative solutions to mitigate its impacts. Climate change manifests through rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems, affecting agriculture, biodiversity, and overall environmental health. Concurrently, the excessive use of fossil fuels intensifies greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to global warming. Effective responses must address sustainable agriculture and waste management, as conventional practices exacerbate environmental degradation.
Insectlife's approach to sustainable agriculture and waste management represents a nature-inspired, holistic strategy to address the multifaceted challenges of climate change. By harnessing the intrinsic capabilities of insects, our initiative aims to demonstrate that nature itself can provide innovative solutions for a more sustainable and resilient future. Through this approach, Insectlife contributes to the broader conversation on climate action, aligning with the goals of the Design Climate competition and showcasing the potential of nature-inspired innovations to positively impact the planet.
The stakeholders in your project: Farmers
Investors and Philanthropic Organizations
Communities:Local communities are impacted by changes in agriculture and waste management practices. Insectlife's approach can bring economic benefits, improved environmental conditions, and community engagement opportunities.
Food Industry
Investors and Philanthropic Organizations
Agreement: Accepted