Raising resilience and adaptation through Early Flood Warning Systems.

The lack of continuous measurement of rainfall, river flow, and measurement accuracies are key factors that substantially reduce the quality of flood forecast, warning, and response systems. In order to determine socio technical solutions we deemed it necessary to find an area worth exploring and mapping out past damages.

Alongside is a city in Durban called Pinetown which is not new to extreme flooding.
We observed that majority of the flooding in this area happens closer of the most vegetated areas which exist closer to lakes and rivers within the township. Then we continued to look at these lakes and rivers and a river that stood out to us was the Umgeni River which is nearby multiple small and medium sized areas.

Swiftguard is a revolutionary integrated communication system designed to provide early flood warnings, ensuring you have ample time to prepare and protect your loved ones and property. This cutting-edge system includes a telemetry buoy, a signal tower, and a solar-powered alarm system. These components work seamlessly together to monitor water levels and deliver timely alerts to high-risk areas.

Overview of the issue and your approach: Through this project, we aimed to develop an integrated communication system designed for informal settlements and flood-prone areas like the Umgeni River in the eThekwini district. This system will prioritize early flood warnings and evacuation alerts that do not depend on mobile apps.

This initiative aims to use current technology and explore how to apply it effectively in the eThekwini district. The primary objective is to enable quick civilian responses to floods caused by downpours from rivers and lakes, escalated by heavy rainfall.
The stakeholders in your project: Government Agencies,
Emergency Services,
Media Outlets
and Community Leaders, NGOs and Civil Society